Dr Arindam Das
Dr Das is mentor and chief advisor for PLAB stream in the MedicToUK team.
Dr Das, a consultant paediatrician with special interest in paediatric gastroenterology and allergy in Broomfield Hospital, UK is the lead for critical care and 7-day NHS program for his trust. After completion of MBBS and DCH from Kolkata, he completed his CCT from the East of England. He was awarded with many distinctions from the early stage of his career, like young investigator award by European gastro society, trainee triumph board etc. to name a few.
Dr Das, during his paediatric training days, contributed in developing the teaching curriculum for East of England deanery. He is actively involved in various teaching roles in RCPCH and Anglia Ruskin University like presenting educational webinars, faculty for resuscitation training etc.
Dr. Das is keen to help trainees, especially overseas, perform well in the UK Exams and to provide effective career advice for smooth progression in UK. He was in the question setting group for MRCPCH,UK, an experienced organizer for the MRCPCH clinical exam and an expert reviewer for RCPCH UK.
Dr Moumita Das
Mrs Das is academic champion in our PLAB team. Mrs. Das completed her graduation from Calcutta National Medical College ,India where she was the topper in her medical school. After completion of her post-graduation, she came to the UK for further training. After relocating to the UK, she worked in different capacities ( Junior and Senior Clinical Fellow ) in Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital , Lewisham Hospital, London and prestigious Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge and currently pursuing her final year of run-through specialty training in O&G in East of England deanery. She was trained in research, education and management from University of Cambridge which helped her to build different modules of PLAB curriculum.

Dr Moumita Das
Mrs Das is academic champion in our PLAB team. Mrs. Das completed her graduation from Calcutta National Medical College ,India where she was the topper in her medical school. After completion of her post-graduation, she came to the UK for further training. After relocating to the UK, she worked in different capacities ( Junior and Senior Clinical Fellow ) in Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital , Lewisham Hospital, London and prestigious Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge and currently pursuing her final year of run-through specialty training in O&G in East of England deanery. She was trained in research, education and management from University of Cambridge which helped her to build different modules of PLAB curriculum.

Dr Tuaha Saeed
Dr Saeed leads our PLAB team on the ground. He is an IMG currently working as a final year GP trainee in UK. His keen interest is in teaching IMGs and education. He also has special interest in medical Cannabis. Graduated in 2006, with extensive medical experience from Pakistan and Canada then he relocated to UK through PLABs route before entering into structured GP training. He looks forward to make a positive impact and difference into an IMG’s thought process around PLAB and make it easy for those appearing in the exam.
Dr Basheer Ahmed
Dr Ahmed leads our virtual classroom mock test for PLAB 1. He was graduated from Ribat National University, Khartoum, Sudan and moved to UK for further training. Currently working as a Senior Clinical Fellow in Northampton General Hospital in Acute Medicine department. He is passionate about teaching other colleagues to support them. He started this journey with his team-mates, and he feels fortunate enough to get into MedictoUK platform and allowing others to conquer the exam with ease.

Dr Basheer Ahmed
Dr Ahmed leads our virtual classroom mock test for PLAB 1. He was graduated from Ribat National University, Khartoum, Sudan and moved to UK for further training. Currently working as a Senior Clinical Fellow in Northampton General Hospital in Acute Medicine department. He is passionate about teaching other colleagues to support them. He started this journey with his team-mates, and he feels fortunate enough to get into MedictoUK platform and allowing others to conquer the exam with ease.

Dr. Arkadeep Dhali
Dr Dhali graduated from the prestigious St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore in India in 2021. After graduation, he did a year of house-staffship (FY2 equivalent) from the School of Digestive and Liver Diseases, Kolkata and applied for Internal Medicine Training in the UK. He has secured a training position directly from India and is currently doing Internal Medicine Training at East Midlands Deanery.
He has a strong commitment to academic medicine and authored more than 30 publications. He has also contributed as a member of the editorial board in various international journals and has collaborated internationally with medical students for academic projects. He is also part of our research team and guide the new-comers to build research credentials in their CV to maximise the chance of recruitment in NHS.
Dr. Angana Ray
MBBS, DNB(Obs and Gynae), DRCOG
Dr Roy graduated from R.G.Kar Medical College in Kolkata, India. She completed her DNB in obstetrics and gynaecology in 2012 from India. After moving to UK in 2014, she had been working as a clinical fellow in obstetrics and Gynaecology in NHS. Very recently she changed her career to GP training with focus of becoming GP with special interest in Gynaecology. She will provide guidance on career progression alongside maintaining proper work-life balance in UK while working in NHS.

Dr. Angana Ray
MBBS, DNB(Obs and Gynae), DRCOG
Dr Roy graduated from R.G.Kar Medical College in Kolkata, India. She completed her DNB in obstetrics and gynaecology in 2012 from India. After moving to UK in 2014, she had been working as a clinical fellow in obstetrics and Gynaecology in NHS. Very recently she changed her career to GP training with focus of becoming GP with special interest in Gynaecology. She will provide guidance on career progression alongside maintaining proper work-life balance in UK while working in NHS.

Dr Boddu Mrudula
Dr Boddu is a very energetic doctor currently working at CMDU at Manchester Royal infirmary with previous experience as a house-surgeon at Osmania General Hospital , Hyderabad, as a Duty medical officer in a clinical outpatient setting in Hyderabad, India. She also worked with an NGO as an online trainer to teach marginalised adolescent girls regarding health and safety. She has good communication skills which enables her to address a wide range of pupils with different levels of understanding and different cultural backgrounds. She is a very good team player and she can take up any challenging roles. She is overall lead of PLAB 1 team for MedictoUK.
Dr. Saad Jamal
Dr Jamal passed his MBBS from Rajarajeshwari Medical College and Hospital and completed his internship (FY1) in 2020 and passed both PLAB 1 and 2 in the same year. Due to global pandemic he was unable to relocate then and used the opportunity to work as a junior doctor at Keyan Care. Currently he is working as a FY2 at William Harvey Hospital. He already had few publications in indexed journals and couple of international publications. He is one of our tech tech-savvy team members and leads our social media team.

Dr. Saad Jamal
Dr Jamal passed his MBBS from Rajarajeshwari Medical College and Hospital and completed his internship (FY1) in 2020 and passed both PLAB 1 and 2 in the same year. Due to global pandemic he was unable to relocate then and used the opportunity to work as a junior doctor at Keyan Care. Currently he is working as a FY2 at William Harvey Hospital. He already had few publications in indexed journals and couple of international publications. He is one of our tech tech-savvy team members and leads our social media team.

Dr Baijaeek Sain
MBBS (Hons)
A highly disciplined, motivated and energetic doctor currently working in the NHS England, UK at Imperial College, London in Trauma and Orthopaedics department. He had previous experience as a house-surgeon at Emergency and Casualty at CNMCH, Kolkata, as a Residential Medical Officer in Critical Care and alongside as a Registrar in Surgical Oncology with clinical experience in both critical care practice and surgical procedures for more than 2 years. An excellent communicator with proven ability to establish rapport with peers, colleagues and patients. Simultaneously involved in active medical research and academic ventures with both on-going & published research papers including case reports across journals. He will be our guide for clinical audits for students after completion of PLAB. He is also part of our research team.
Dr Mehreen Saleha
Dr Mehreen Saleha passed her MBBS from Dhaka Bangladesh. She cleared her PLAB exams but being on maternity leave is currently utilizing her time in mentoring PLAB aspirants on how to prepare for the PLAB exams efficiently and ace it. She is very happy to be a part of MedictoUK team and is looking forward to more future endeavours from this awesome platform.

Dr Mehreen Saleha
Dr Mehreen Saleha passed her MBBS from Dhaka Bangladesh. She cleared her PLAB exams but being on maternity leave is currently utilizing her time in mentoring PLAB aspirants on how to prepare for the PLAB exams efficiently and ace it. She is very happy to be a part of MedictoUK team and is looking forward to more future endeavours from this awesome platform.

Dr Syeda Tasnim Tabassum Hridi
Dr. Hridi, a graduate from Bangladesh, has recently started her journey into NHS as a junior clinical fellow in acute medicine after passing her PLAB exam in February 2022. She is an enthusiastic young doctor with a passion for teaching. She has extensive clinical knowledge, passed MRCP part 1 and 2 written exams, and recently completed her ALS certification. She hopes to use her knowledge and communication skills to help fellow PLAB candidates in their journey.
Dr Hardil Majmudar
Dr Majumder did his MBBS in Gujarat, India. He graduated in 2021 and cleared his PLAB exams and received his GMC license in March 2022. He started as a Clinical fellow in Trauma and Orthopaedics at the County hospital, Hereford.
He has keen interest in pursuing surgery as a speciality in the future. He is also interested in research and had already more than 10+ PubMed-indexed publications to his name and also presented posters at International Conferences and also been a part of multi-centre cohort studies organized by NIHR UK

Dr Hardil Majmudar
Dr Majumder did his MBBS in Gujarat, India. He graduated in 2021 and cleared his PLAB exams and received his GMC license in March 2022. He started as a Clinical fellow in Trauma and Orthopaedics at the County hospital, Hereford.
He has keen interest in pursuing surgery as a speciality in the future. He is also interested in research and had already more than 10+ PubMed-indexed publications to his name and also presented posters at International Conferences and also been a part of multi-centre cohort studies organized by NIHR UK

Dr. Mallika Maria Fonseca
Mallika is a fresh graduate trainee doctor working for the North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust under the East of England Deanery. She graduated from Grant Medical College, Mumbai in 2021, gave her PLAB 2 in May 2021 and was granted full registration with the GMC in July 2021. She is also currently an educational supervisor with the Clinical School of Medicine, Cambridge. She has done extensive research into the PLAB 2 exam and has interacted with faculty of multiple PLAB 2 training academies. She is enthusiastic about guiding overseas doctors wishing to make the transition into the NHS.
Dr. Priyanka Dey
Dr Dey, after graduating from BSMCH West Bengal, India, moved to the UK. She went through the PLAB journey to get her GMC registration and started working as trust grade doctor in hospitals of North West region. She worked in Aintree university hospital, Royal Liverpool hospital, Warrington and Halton hospital as clinical fellow.
Recently she joined the GP training programme in West Yorkshire region. Priyanka is one of our core team members from the beginning of PLAB initiative in MedictoUK.

Dr. Priyanka Dey
Dr Dey, after graduating from BSMCH West Bengal, India, moved to the UK. She went through the PLAB journey to get her GMC registration and started working as trust grade doctor in hospitals of North West region. She worked in Aintree university hospital, Royal Liverpool hospital, Warrington and Halton hospital as clinical fellow.
Recently she joined the GP training programme in West Yorkshire region. Priyanka is one of our core team members from the beginning of PLAB initiative in MedictoUK.

Dr Sadman Bin Sazzad
Dr. Sadman graduated from Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove. He got his full registration with a license to practice from the General Medical Council in May 2021. He enjoys creating digital content and is working with MedicToUK in the Social Medical Team. He is enthusiastic about medical education and eager to guide new international doctors willing to seek GMC registration in different routes and advice on entering the NHS and building a career as a doctor in the UK.
Dr. Reem Abdelwahab
Reem is currently working as an FY2 in acute medicine department at the James cook hospital in Middlesbrough, UK. She had taken the PLAB route and got GMC registered in March 2022. She is an enthusiastic junior doctor who aspire to help anyone going through the same path and make their journey easier. She loves teaching ever since medical school as she was part of the academic office of her university medical student association. She had published a systemic review as part of her research portfolio.

Dr. Reem Abdelwahab
Reem is currently working as an FY2 in acute medicine department at the James cook hospital in Middlesbrough, UK. She had taken the PLAB route and got GMC registered in March 2022. She is an enthusiastic junior doctor who aspire to help anyone going through the same path and make their journey easier. She loves teaching ever since medical school as she was part of the academic office of her university medical student association. She had published a systemic review as part of her research portfolio.

Dr Pratyush Saha
Dr Saha is currently a Paediatrics Trainee in paediatric run through programme under Health Education England. He was graduated from India in 2014 and came to UK via the PLAB route in 2018. He then worked in UK as clinical fellow in a non-training grade job while prepared his CV to apply for run through specialty training programme in Paediatrics and got into training post. He is currently perusing through level 2 training in paediatric run through programme. He is happy to help future aspirants to the best of his abilities.
Dr Pooja Deepak
Dr Deepak did her MBBS from Karachi, Pakistan and worked in the field of medicine for 1 year there. She completed her PLAB exams and got GMC registration in 2022. I have also taken MRCP part 1 and 2 exams last year and aim to take PACES by next year. Currently she is working as a clinical fellow in General Medicine at Luton and Dunstable hospital. She is open to any suggestions and help required by the juniors and the candidates applying for PLAB.

Dr Pooja Deepak
Dr Deepak did her MBBS from Karachi, Pakistan and worked in the field of medicine for 1 year there. She completed her PLAB exams and got GMC registration in 2022. I have also taken MRCP part 1 and 2 exams last year and aim to take PACES by next year. Currently she is working as a clinical fellow in General Medicine at Luton and Dunstable hospital. She is open to any suggestions and help required by the juniors and the candidates applying for PLAB.