Winning together

EDAIC live online practice and mock exam

No upcoming dates. Drop an email to if interested

This full-day virtual course is for the candidates who will appear for their EDAIC part 2 (oral) examination in future. With this course, you will practice with the present online examination format to learn the critical skills required and the pitfalls to avoid during the actual examination.

The course will cover all contents of EDAIC part 2

Station 1: Viva 1 (Applied Basic Science) – Candidate will be given 10 minutes before the start of the viva and will include applied cardiovascular and/or respiratory physiology. It will then move on to applied pharmacology, applied anatomy, physiology and physiology/pharmacology combined.

Station 2: Viva 2 (Applied Basic Science) – Candidate was given 10 minutes before the start of the viva and will include applied pharmacology. It will then move on to applied cardiovascular and/or respiratory physiology, clinical measurement, and applied pharmacology/physiology combined.

Station 3: Viva 3 (Clinical 1 – Critical care topic) – Candidate was given 10 minutes before the start of the viva. Questions on the scenario will be followed by further questions on topics such as clinical management, images interpretation, anaesthetic specialties and/or general questions.

Station 4: Viva 4 (Clinical 2- Management of anaesthetic problem) – Candidate was given 10 minutes before the start of the viva. Questions on the scenario will be followed by questions on an internal medicine topic – possibly related to the scenario. There will also be questions local or regional anaesthesia and some general questions .

Key features:

  • Small groups
  • Information and tips for each station
  • 1:1 practice with individual feedback
  • Conducted and examined by experienced NHS anaesthetists, intensivists
  • Online interactive session

Technical requirement:

  • This course will be delivered online via Zoom. Sign-in into Zoom required for verification.

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